By: Bolívar Monroy The search for more innovative technological solutions that can contribute to a greater extent to the sustainable use of air conditioning and refrigeration systems is a constant for all mankind. of (OECD/IEA, 2018), state that air conditioning systems that are essential to cope with extreme temperatures and ensure adequate air quality, contribute to the increase in global energy demand, being a challenge for electrical systems, given that by 2050 the demand for space cooling is expected to triple, being in some scenarios the driver of electricity demand, up to 40% and the second largest after industrial engines. In the case of refrigeration systems, the scenario is no different, as these systems are essential for the preservation of perishable products, according to data from the (FAO, 2018) it has been estimated that food waste causes 8% of total GHG (greenhouse gas emissions). Along the same lines (IIF/IIR, 2009) has established that an inadequate cold chain can generate up to 23% of food wastage in developing countries. To counteract this problem, refrigeration systems are becoming a key player, which is why the use of refrigeration systems is expected to grow, resulting in higher energy demand. Likewise, the (IIF/IIR, 2009) makes a relation of the quantity of m3/1000 inhabitants, where in developed countries it is 200 m3/1000 inhabitants and in developing countries 19 m3/1000 inhabitants, this indicator shows a close relation between the conservation capacity of perishable products and the development of the country.
Considering the above context, actions to reduce the direct impact due to possible refrigerant leaks, and indirectly due to energy use, become necessary. Thus, among the different classifications to identify the potential of technologies, the authors (Goetzler, Guernsey, Young, & Fujrman, 2016) propose a classification considering the potential for direct or indirect emissions savings. In the case of direct emissions, measures are established in the following areas:
- Reduction in the use of fossil fuel energy, both on a large and small scale. For example, electrification of heat production by means of heat pumps, energy storage, use of hydrogen as fuel, etc.
- Load reduction through envelope improvement, bioclimatic and use of green environments.
- Use of advanced compression systems and high energy efficiency, supported by measurement and control systems.
In the case of direct emission control actions, the actions are related to:
- Use of refrigeration systems with low and very low GWP refrigerants.
- Best practices in system maintenance and operation
- Improved skills of technicians and engineers, complemented by the use of tools and application of best practices in RAC systems.
However, the scenarios are even more challenging, and it is where solutions that integrate the reduction of both direct and indirect emissions are vital to achieve a sustainable use of cooling, this is where better materials, building elements with better thermodynamic characteristics, cooling systems without compressors, use of tools such as BIM, AI and virtual reality to avoid waste of materials and control of the implementation of projects, achieving cooling systems and air conditioning with greater reliability and adjusted to the real demand of the end users of these systems appear.
FAO. (2018). The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World. Retrieved from Goetzler, W., Guernsey, M., Young, J., & Fujrman, J. (2016). The future of air conditioning for buildings (No. DOE/EE-1394). . Burlington, MA (United States): Navigant Consulting, . IIF/IIR. (2009). The role of refrigeration in worldwide nutrition (2009), 5th IIR Informatory Note on refrigeration and food. Retrieved from%20and%OECD/IEA. (2018). The future of cooling. Retrieved from