What is Air Community?
Air Community is an open community comprised of organizations, businesses, academia, students and entrepreneurs, whose mission is to lead the conversation about innovation in the HVAC and indoor air quality industry.
How can I become part of the AC community?
We have three ways to participate:
As an Air Ambassador: Air Ambassadors help us promote Air Community with their network of contacts and participates constantly through our different platforms generating valuable content and being an active participant in our events. They also has a certain level of experience and knowledge in the HVAC or innovation industry.
To become an Air Ambassador you must meet the above requirements and contact the Air Community organizers to apply. Contact us here info@aircommunitylatam.com
As Air Fellow people who have interest in the topic of innovation and the HVAC industry who want to participate in Air Community in a proactive but more informal and sporadic way, writing on the blog, talking on the podcast, attending events and adding value to the content generated on the platforms.
As Air Communiter: Congratulations, you are now AC! An AC is any person who participates at any level in Air Community, from liking a social media post, sharing or commenting on it, listening to the Podcast.
To become an Air Communiter you simply have to interact in any way with any of the Air Community activities or platforms. Visit our social networks: Linkedin / Instagram / Facebook
What are the benefits of belonging to the CA community?
By being part of the Air Community you will have access to the most relevant HVAC information and you will be able to contact and share your ideas with some of the most important stakeholders.
What are the requirements to be part of the AC community?
Simply participate! As long as you follow our rules of healthy coexistence. Check our rules here.
What are the commitments involved in being part of the CA community?
Participate, be respectful of the rest of the community and adhere to the rules.